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New Trendy na ISH 2023!

A very intense, but also inspiring time is behind us. After a 4-year hiatus, we returned to Frankfurt to present premiere collections to visitors from around the world.

ISH 2023 is one of the industry’s hottest events, providing an opportunity to forge international partnerships and discover the latest trends. We are glad we could go back there!

There was a lot of news at the event. We have unveiled a premium collection with a new look – Eventa will come in three unique colors:

  • Gold Shine
  • Copper Shine
  • Black Chrome

The Avexa Gold Shine with knurled details was also premiered. We guarantee that the bathroom with such elements will look phenomenal. We can’t wait for you to see our new products in the showrooms, and there is a lot to look at!

Thank you for visiting in large numbers and see you at the next edition!

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